FLEX BAND YOGA FLOWTuesdays 9:15 am in Multipurpose Room with Sefi A yoga class using flex bands to improve muscular strength, balance, range of motion,...
CHAIR PILATESMondays & Thursdays 10:30 am in Vi Kennedy Room with Karen Core Strength is so important as we get older. These muscles, located...
STEP CLASSStep Class is now on Wed at 9 am in the gym. Join Holly for this fun, effective class! Step aerobics has all the benefits of a...
ZUMBAThursdays at 9 - 10 a.m. Comm Hall with Holly Our certified Zumba instructor leads this Latin-inspired exercise class. Get in shape,...
ZUMBA TONINGTuesdays at 10 - 11 a.m. Comm Hall with Holly It's Zumba, but with a little more emphasis on toning and strengthening your arms, core and...
FUN & FIT CIRCUITMondays at 9:30 with Holly In the gym Start with a little Zumba dance, than a mixture of fun exercises and cool you off with feel-good...
TABATAFridays at 10:15 am Vi Kennedy Room This new Tabata-style class will incorporate bursts of high-intensity exercises with periods of rest....
CHAIR YOGAWednesdays at 9:30 a.m. in Vi Kennedy Room with Laura Fridays at 9:00 a.m. in Vi Kennedy Room with Laura Enjoy all the benefits of...
YOGAMondays at 9 am Vi Kennedy Room with Laura Gentle stretching & controlled breathing makes this exercise class relaxing yet stimulating....